Leprosy Settlement Snapshot 1

Many leprosy patients in the old days were isolated in this settlement. Many were abandoned by the families and some chose not to go back to their families even after fully recovered due to stigma. There are many sad human stories about this leprosy settlement. Many have been recorded by others. However many see the beautiful side of this area and trying to promote it. Search for Valley of Hope to learn more.

I went there this morning for nostalgic reasons bec my wife and I went there to buy flowers many time when we first married decades ago. Much beautiful and sweet memories. The places had changed a lot. Majority of nurseries and flowers stalls are not run by the settlers now. I was informed about 10% +- are still run by the settlers.

I took my LX7 along but alas I forget to bring a spare battery and the old battery like me went out of power fast. Anyway, here are some snapshots.

As usual click images for larger view

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